Payout Settings
An important step when creating a traffic source is applying the agreed upon payout amount for receiving a lead which meets your specifically designated parameters.
There are two different paths in configuring these payouts in your campaign.
Campaign Level: Setting up your payouts at the campaign level will, by default, apply the payout amount, payout type, and payout settings for all custom sources and/or marketing partners in your campaign. **This can be set and still overridden in the source single.
โSource Level: You may also choose to apply specific payout amounts, types and settings for traffic sources at the source level. These changes are made in what's often called the "source single view".
Modifying Payout Settings (Source Single)
Inside of your campaign in "Sources" you will navigate into the source single view. Inside of this view, in the lefthand menu, select "Payout Settings"
In this view you will see a number of toggles and input boxes. Descriptions for each are provided below.
Payout Models
The two basic models for payouts are through a fixed cost or a rev share. You may indicate the model for each through the "Fixed or Revenue Share" toggles.
Fixed Cost: Set price that will not change based on any revenue received for a given lead
Revenue Share: A specified percentage provided as a payout based on the revenue received for a given lead
Conversion Approvals: Enabling this option will send any leads that are considered conversion events to your campaign's conversion management section allowing you to approve, deny and modify any leads prior to registering as a conversion in for your campaign.
Allow for Duplicate Conversions: Enabling this option would allow for multiple payout events to fire for a given transaction ID. By default this setting is NOT toggled on meaning a lead which produced multiple payout events with a single transaction ID would fire the first attributed payout event but dupe out any payout events thereafter.
On Conversion Events Fire Postbacks & Pixels: This option will allow the system to fire any postbacks or pixels that have been set for a particular source.
**Having this toggle off will still attribute a payout in your campaign for any leads which qualified for it, however nothing would trigger a postback or pixel to be fired to the traffic source.**
Enable Payout Conditions on Conversions: Enabling this toggle will apply any of your payout settings and filters to be applied to a given source.
Payout Structure
Override Campaign Settings: This option will need to be toggled on in order to have any of the payout settings in your source single applied. If this is not enabled, your settings will be set to the default source settings managed at the campaign level
Depending on whether or not you've set your payout model as a fixed payout or revenue share, you will need to enter in a dollar amount or percentage value respectively, for the type of lead you will be paying out for (Click or Form).
The Campaign Base cannot be adjusted from this view but it will display the payout model and amount you have set in the campaign payout settings.
Override Amount is where you will input the values you would like for this specific traffic source.
Payout Modifiers: Pingtree gives you the ability to modify payout amounts for a given source as the sub ID level allowing you to make enhanced decisions on your spend allocations. Select the Payout Modifiers link next to the lead type you wish to optimize. This will bring you to a new view where you can select, from the drop down menu, the sub ID for which you want to optimize for.
You will see the list of different values passed from a given sub ID macro and can apply unique payout logic for specific values.